Hanna + Kait's Sapphic Fairy Cottage Core Wedding

When I first met Hanna in college (and she knows this story), I thought she was the coolest, most badass, i-d-g-a-f what you think about me attitude-having chick that I'd ever met. Not only was she one of (if not THE) smartest person in the room, she had been an advocate for queer rights, specifically as it pertained to sexual education, since the jump. She could quite literally command a room full of angsty college kids to pay attention to what she had to say, and she made sure they knew it was important. She always spoke with purpose and intention, and was as pleasantly unfiltered as any open-minded, wise-beyond-their-years college kid should be. She also, unapologetically went on about her girlfriend Kaitlynn, who at the time, was living across the country in California. I thought the whole bit was just adorable.
Fast forward a few years after graduation, Hanna reached out to me about photographing her and Kait's VERY gay wedding. I already knew, and judging by the photos of Hanna's proposal (the most intimate picnic filled with pink and green gingham, home made treats, candles, photos, to name A FEW), that it was going to feel like capturing the most epic, intense love story of all f***ing time. Folks, I was not even close to wrong.
Hanna + Kait's biggest intention with their wedding was honoring the queer community that they are so lovingly a part of. By ensuring most, if not all of their wedding vendors were queer or woman-owned, they created the most magical environment that made everybody feel touched and celebrated. I've never cried so much. I've never seen anyone else cry so much at a wedding. It was purely the most heartwarming day, from top to bottom, and it was felt by every single person in attendance.
Hanna has since gone on to get her masters degree studying queer sex ed, and watching her and Kait build their life together has been one of life's greatest blessings. Kait continues to be a talented writer, wondrous creator of ceramics amongst many things, and exists blissfully as a deep appreciator of all things art and poetry. As a couple, they continue to advocate for queer rights in several, necessary ways, reminding the rest of the world what our biggest job on this earth is: to love everyone.
I want the whole world to advocate for, love, and protect queer folks like Hanna + Kait -- like the way they hold and protect one another. This one was for the books. I am speechlessly grateful for these humans.